Thursday, 13 February 2014

May 8th 2013 The Snooping Man Kerb Crawls Again!

The Snooping man first mentioned in a previous post and first seen in February 2013 was at it again, here, this time kerb crawling in broad daylight. He was reported to the local councillor, the local council and the police.  The purposes of this blog is merely as a protective log and also to advise to others - particularly women pedestrians, or women using taxis or public transport to protect themselves. The registration plate is visible on the previous post about this character, who turned up yet again when I visited my local doctor's surgery in June 2013, this time outside the surgery.

See the earlier post Snooping Man in Gaisby Lane Area of Shipley West Yorkshire covering the first encounter with this character!

The Hawthorne Avenue Kerb Crawler

Ford Focus Zetec - YC12 UXT
We were kerb crawled by a man in a red Ford Focus Zetec YC12 UXT in December 2013. When challenged and asked what he was doing the man did not answer, but continued to kerb crawl us.  He was reported to the local councillor who reported him to the police.
He is mentioned on this blog for safety reasons.

Friday, 15 February 2013

Snooping Man in Gaisby Lane Area of Shipley West Yorkshire

This man was photographed acting like a voyeur, staring through windows of houses in a back road near Gaisby Lane near the Bradford/Shipley cusp at 9.10 am on Friday 15th February 2013.
Whoever this character was, he did not seem too put off by the fact that he was being photographed and only moved when a truck came down the lane.

 The man and the car were later reported to police and local councillors.

For your own personal safety and also that of others, it is always better to report people behaving strangely, as they could be possible perverts or mean harm in some way.  A few photographs (taken from a safe distance) including a car number plate also help.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Walmsley and Son, Scrap Metal Dealers, Bradford, Their Asda Cleaner and Unrelated Motorists

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge

Click image to enlarge
A small road runs down the back of my house.  Just lately as I've come in I've noticed a car driving down and pulling out as I am entering my garden.  At first I didn't take much notice, then I figured, why is a car always pulling out whenever I'm just pulling in?  It is a small country-like lane and the chances of this happening, whenever I come in, is few and far between.  I know from experience that as a rule this very seldom happens, but within the last four weeks it has happened almost every time I come home.  Probably one to report to my local councillor to sit on and keep on file.

Another issue is the local Walmsley family.  Mum is a cleaner at Asda, one son supposedly works in Sheffield, so my neighbour told me, and Dad and other son are scrap metal dealers, house clearance merchants and general 'odd jobbers'.

The Walmsleys have taken a bizarre interest in my home, even, according to the neighbour, entering my garden.and leaving behind 'tokens'.  One 'token' pictured above is a scrap metal receipt and the other is a number of empty larger cans, bought from nearby Morrisons self service on a debit card.

The Walmsleys clearly have grievances about mum Carol scrubbing Asda toilets at the same store I sometimes shop and buy my solar lights from...

What more can I say?

Friday, 27 July 2012

Blonde Car Stalker/Car Pervert 27th July 2012

This is just a record of a female car pervert or car stalker positioned to look through her wing mirrors at persons going in or coming out of houses further up the street. Many people think that women are 'safe' when sitting in cars. But you only have to think of Myra Hindley, Rose West or the female accomplice of the Soham children's murderer, Ian Huntley, to realise that women are far from safe and are in fact often used as lures to make other women and also children think that everything is OK because it is a woman, not a man asking directions from a car, asking to use their phone, talking to them, or a strange woman sitting in a car nearby, apparently not doing much. This was just such a woman, sitting in a car at 6pm on Friday 27th July 2012. She was certainly acting suspiciously, hence the post here. She was driving a blue Ford Fiesta registration number YH60 YUR.

Monday, 11 June 2012

HMRC Tax Horrors and Citizen Abuse

This is really a post about an extremely useful and helpful website I found the other day.  The site author became a journalist in the early noughties after doing a course and somehow managed to fall foul of HMRC Tax Office. The result of his findings are brought together in an extremely useful website, with many subsections leading on to other useful connected material, including citizens rights where the HMRC are concerned.

According to the website, many employees of HMRC  tax office hate their jobs and there is apparently a lot of workplace internal bullying of employees within the HMRC tax office organisation.

The really abominable thing though, is how the public are lied to and abused, by the HMRC tax office and HMRC tax credits organisation.  No investigation/examination or review is ever random according this website, despite the public being told differently.

I would personally say that probably after a few bouts of indignation, the majority of the public will give in, either for a quiet life or because they are scared.  The truth is, despite the Human Rights Act 1998 being in force, it is largely ignored, especially by the government authorities, usually because HM's Government keep bleating about prisoners or foreigners in the UK abusing the The Human Rights Act 1998.  Truth is, the government do not like this Act at all and try to malign it in public wherever possible. This is true of all the political parties in the UK.

Billionaire government ministers and people who have been given peerages for being actors, sportsmen or entertainers don't care in the slightest about the general public, only their own glory.  That is also true of some, (but not all) MPs and local councillors. Public funding is cut back more and more, so that the public cannot get free funding for a solicitor to help them fight their case and greedy capitalist solicitors charge more and more for their services. Victims of HMRC tax office reviews are left with woefully inadequate Citizen's Advice options.  Again Citizen's Advice Bureau is an arrogant but actually useless organisation where a few advice workers get paid good money and everyone else is a volunteer.  I know because I was once a CAB volunteer myself. Hard work for no pay.

 NB.By the way this is not a 'rant'.  The word 'rant' used for someone having an opinion and airing their views comes from a religious sect of Dissenters called Ranters.  We don't say someone is having an Islam if they express their views, or having a Sikh or a Catholic, so in just the same way using the word 'Rant' to describe someone expressing their feelings could be seen as religious discrimination.

Someone once told me I'd make a good Shop Steward. I don't believe the man in the street should be trampled underfoot.I used to belong to The Socialist Worker's Party and sold their newspaper for them.  I think stately homes should be turned in to housing for the homeless and don't believe in peerages. However I think it is all well and good fighting of the rights of others, provided that the people you help are prepared to help you equally too. It should be a help co-operative, as the saying goes 'Charity Begins At Home'.  

In the local supermarket they give out green counters for customers to put in clear plastic boxes with various named charities and the charity with the most counters gets a financial donation from the supermarket.  I don't put the counters in any of the boxes but leave them on top for someone else to put in.  When a charity does something for me then I'll do something for them.  No until. Once again many charity workers are claiming high wages from funding.  A lot of donations you make to television advertisements will pay the charity worker's wages!

Tax-Hell helps the unrepresented (and poorly represented) in tax investigations carried out by Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC)

Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Group 4 Spy Car in Hawthorne Avenue Shipley

A man in his late 30's or early 40's was seen spying on residents in a street in the Shipley area, near Bradford in West Yorkshire.  The photo was taken at 16.36 on the May 30, 2012. We do have a much clearer version, not shown here.  The car is a Citroen C1 and the reg is KY11 EUA. Group 4 Security have been contacted over the matter as stalking is illegal.  Also in the UK the Protection From Harassment Act 1997 applies.

The best thing to do if you see a strange car is to make sure that others see it too then you have witnesses.  Also if you have a witness, there is no excuse that the person in the car has pulled up to make a phone call, wait for a friend, have a drink, snack, or send a text.  None of these applied to the Group 4 Security man in the car as he was in the street doing nothing except observing, for some time.  In other words, he was a nasty little spy and don't forget folks with all people of this nature, don't let the company car fool you, he could still be a dangerous pervert, for all anyone knows.

Best to alert someone, if you are not sure, for your own safety and peace of mind.  It's just common sense.

Corporate Watch 'Many reasons to stop G4S' (Published May 21, 2012)